2015年10月29日 星期四

Introduction to JSON with C#: 4 | JSON Application Data Storage


英文字幕: 12722-175934-2dbqqkf5.enUS.srt

中文字幕: 12722-175934-2dbqqkf5.zh-TW.srt


  1. In the sample application, what data type was deserialized from the JSON file?
  2. In the sample application, when does the data.json file get edited?
  3. Which of the following would cause the deserialized list to be null upon starting up the application?
  4. In the sample application, why was the Item class made to implement the IEquatable interface?
  5. Which line of code is necessary to use File IO functions?

Introduction to JSON with C#: 3 | Parsing and Generating JSON files


英文字幕: 12722-175932-yvy1lnrs.enUS.srt

中文字幕: 12722-175932-yvy1lnrs.zh-TW.srt


  1. Which line of code is necessary to include in order to allow JSON.NET functions to work?
  2. Which of the following data types can be deserialized by either the JSON.NET or the JavaScriptSerializer libraries?
  3. JSON.NET is supported through the NuGet package manager within Visual Studio
  4. Which reference is needed for the JavaScriptSerializer Class to work?
  5. What are the main differences between the JSON.NET and JavaScriptSerializer libraries?

Introduction to JSON with C#: 2 | JSON Syntax


英文字幕: 12722-175930-3x0gbgua.enUS.srt

中文字幕: 12722-175930-3x0gbgua.zh-TW.srt


  1. What does this JSON data represent?
  2. JSON Arrays are surrounded by what?
  3. Which of the following can be JSON values?
  4. Can a JSON Array contain Objects or Arrays?
  5. What is wrong with the JSON Object listed below?

Introduction to JSON with C#: 1 | Introduction to JSON with C#


英文字幕: 12722-175928-fxg4emyc.enUS.srt

中文字幕: 12722-175928-fxg4emyc.zh-TW.srt


  1. Which language does JSON share its syntax with?
  2. What are the main differences between JSON and XML?
  3. What are some reasons to use JSON?